Holiday Safety Tips for your FedEx Drivers
Happy Thanksgiving! It has been our pleasure helping dozens of FedEx contractors get their routes sold this year and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to do so. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought it would be helpful to share some very important safety tips with your drivers. Here they are:
Get off the Phone.
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, talking on a mobile phone while driving reduced the brain activity associated with driving by 37%.
Buckle Up.
You are 25 times more likely to be killed if you are thrown from your vehicle during a crash.
Observe Driving Conditions.
Adverse weather conditions contribute to 25% of speeding-related large-truck fatalities. Reduce your speed by 1/3 or wet roads and 1/2 or more on snowy streets.
Slow Down.
Curve and on/exit ramp speed limits are intended for smaller vehicles, not large FedEx trucks. Studies have shown that large trucks often lose control or roll over when going into a curve due to a higher center of gravity.
Stay Awake.
Research tells us that being awake for 18 hours is approximately equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of .08