When the time is right to sell your FedEx route business, you have one primary goal: to find the right buyer at the right price. Understanding who may be interested in buying your FedEx routes...
Selling your FedEx route business is a significant financial decision, and it can feel overwhelming if you are not sure where to start. The good news? Having an expert on your side can alleviate much...
Individuals interested in owning a FedEx route business typically choose either pickup and delivery (P&D) routes, which cover residential and commercial locations within a specific region, or linehaul routes, which cover long-distance runs. Because each...
Individuals interested in owning a FedEx route business typically choose either pickup and delivery (P&D) routes, which cover residential and commercial locations within a specific region, or linehaul routes, which cover long-distance runs. Because each...
These days, nearly everything happens online. People now spend an average of seven hours each day on the internet, using it to connect with their friends and family, find information about the topics that interest...
With hundreds of FedEx routes bought and sold across the country every year—and new P&D and linehaul routes added continually to keep up with population growth—finding the right buyer for your route business seems like...
Across the United States, thousands of independent contractors own and operate FedEx routes. They are a driving force behind the global FedEx delivery model, managing the transportation and delivery of countless packages to homes and...
Some of the most common questions we hear from FedEx contractors who are ready to sell their routes have to do with timing. When is the best time to sell my routes? How will I...
It is hard to believe it has been almost a decade since Amazon first announced its drone delivery project. Since then, several other big names have entered the arena, including The Kroger Co., who introduced...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on businesses across the globe. From small startups to multimillion-dollar corporations, many are rethinking their everyday operations and shifting their sales strategies to help them stay profitable...
The decision to sell your FedEx routes was probably one that you spent a good amount of time thinking about. Is it the right time to sell? Will my business be attractive to potential buyers?...
When the time comes to sell your FedEx routes, it is important to make sure your business is presented as a profitable and attractive opportunity for potential buyers. This will ensure your routes get sold...